Attorney Audrey

What is Long-Term Care?

long-term care

Long-term care encompasses a variety of services designed to meet the medical and non-medical needs of individuals who are unable to perform basic activities of daily living (ADLs) due to chronic illness, disability, or aging. These services can be provided at home, in the community, or in specialized facilities. These services help individuals live as […]

How Do I Find the Right Assisted Living Facility?

Right Assisted living facility

Choosing the right assisted living facility is a crucial decision that impacts the quality of life and well-being of you or your loved one. This blog provides practical tips and guidelines to help you find an assisted living facility that meets your needs. Assessing your needs. Before beginning your search, assess the specific needs and […]

What Should I Look for in a Skilled Nursing Home?

Skilled nursing Home

When it comes to finding care for a loved one, choosing a skilled nursing home requires careful evaluation to ensure high-quality care and a supportive environment. In our blog, we want to outline the key factors to consider when choosing a skilled nursing home for yourself or a loved one. This process involves more than […]

21 Ways to Care for a Caregiver

care for caregiver

You know that caregiving is a demanding and often overwhelming responsibility. Caregivers dedicate their time and energy to supporting others, frequently neglecting their own needs in the process. What we are here to tell you is that providing care for a caregiver is essential to ensure they remain healthy and capable of continuing their vital […]